Monday, August 2, 2010

Ps 149:3 Praise his name with dancing,accompanied by tambourine and harp

Blessings all around… Have you ever been blessed or have you ever blessed someone? What a nice feeling. This past weekend I was given 6 tickets for a Gospel Blues Festival. So this seemed like a good time to take some time off from working on the log house, listen to some worship music of a different style, and spend some time with friends. The sun was out, the corn on the cob was free, the butter was flowing, as we took in a day of blues music with Local musician Jim Byrnes and a harmonica legend Darrell Mansfield. Nothing like a day away to give you a new outlook on any project you night be working on. We all need to get away sometimes, recharge our batteries, maybe even change our attitudes.


  1. I like how you have been using the analogy of building a house to our earthly life. I struggle to remind myself that this is a house that will never be completed in this life. This incompleteness and imperfection is never a lack of faith, as some "spiritual" Christians put it, but rather, an inseparable condition of our eartly existence. Blog on builder John!!!

  2. Take time to enjoy the melodies in life. I like that!

    Thanks John.
